Aligning our dimensions with the Light:

Physical (Field Energy)

Mental (Conscious Field)

Emotional (Energy Field)

Spiritual (Consciousness Field)

The programs of `Insperiences` are designed to give you an inner experience of centeredness, calmness, yet an energetically charged state after sessions.

Human beings are organic and multidimensional beings so there is a lot more to us than our 5 senses.

Whilst you are participating in any of the programs listed below we will guide you towards awareness about these dimensions. By understanding about your inner experiences ='Insperiences' you will be able to heal and reach your goals whatever that may be.

woman in black tank top lying on white bed
woman in black tank top lying on white bed
Reformer Pilates

Pilates on reformer machines for added resistance. Also providing support for people with injuries. 4 people max / session.

man on grass lawn
man on grass lawn
woman in black tank top sitting
woman in black tank top sitting
group of women doing yoga
group of women doing yoga
Postural Mat Pilates
Stretch & Relax
Flow & Meditation

Continuous flowing movements are designed to heal through our body, mind, heart, soul and spirit. Ending with mediation.

A relaxing class where we release tension from the body through assisted stretches, and relax the mind through breath work.

Traditional pilates to aid postural health, pelvic stability, core strength, balance and flexibility.

group of women exercise using dumbbells
group of women exercise using dumbbells

Build strength with weights and stamina in a controlled environment where correct techniques instructed & monitored.

Strength & Cardio Circuit
woman kneeling beside man
woman kneeling beside man
woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup
woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup
green leafed plant
green leafed plant
Personal Training
Sound Healing
Counselling/Life coaching

30 mins and 60 mins options for personalised programs for a specific goal.

Enjoy an hour of pure bliss relaxing and healing by the sound of sound bowls.

Coming soon! Private sessions to give you guidance on how to improve the quality of your life.


Class attendance by booking only.

We aim to set up a regular routine for participants that is sustainable and the benefits are consciously felt.

24 hour cancellation policy applies.

We understand that things come up, but please let us know as soon as you know so we can give your spot (while you're absent) to people who can't get a regular spot due to their rotating shifts.

Thank you for your understanding!


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0417 015 515


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